Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day 1 -12 hour- Planes

Day One- Airplanes.   We got our rally placards along with two bonus lists-

one of all the usual places and another with about 100 'regional' airports.  The minimum requirement was at least one international airport and three regional.   There was a large timed group photo bonus colocated with a substantial bonus way out in God's country.  I had great luck early, traffic was moving well, the bonus locations were exactly where they were tagged, including a nice walk up to a bluff with a giant paper airplane.  Oh, we were handed out plastic propellers that had to appear in at least 5 photos.  
Before we could leave, we had to do out "pre-flight' check list; this required running around the hotel answering a variety of questions before getting the requisite "remove before flight" tag which became part of our rally placard.  you should see it in most photos for the rest of the rally.

And now my luck turns to crap- these 'regional' airports are all over the place, but tend NOT to have signs.  Before the timed bonus I stopped at two, no signs to be had anywhere despite both being active.

 wrong airport sign

 correct airport sign

in the hanger for the group photo

the other bonus 
At this point, I probably should have regrouped and purposely sought out regional airports that were next to major towns figuring they'd have to have a sign considering I have none of the required three.  But I did have 5 planned on my return back to HQ, figuring they all can't be strike outs.........
finally one
and number 2.  the third one was the Belleville regional airport.  the red X marks the waypoint provided.  the blue lines are my spot tracker showing me circling the waypoint trying to find a way in.  Turns out you had to enter the Strawberry Farm and go around the farm house to find a sign.  Some riders found it; I didnt.  Therefore, I have no points for me.

the airport is to the left and behind the farm house. 

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