As we depart Gros Morne, the rain has ebbed enough that the Tablelands are clearly visible this morning.

It became a beautiful day for a drive as we worked our way east to the thriving metropolis of Laurenceton, NL.

Camp Lewisporte
The tree that wont give in

The views are just epic

It rained again over night- that's day four for those of you keeping score at home. A dragon fly didnt want to leave our tent. Taking a major diversion away from the TCH , we pointed ourselves north towards Musgrave Harbor and along Iceberg Alley. Although we did not see any icebergs or moose we had an excellent lunch in the Old Store in the town of Newtown. BTW it was raining.

Tonight was a motel night as we prepared for our assault on France and negotiating non-refundable ferry tickets to St Pierre as well as securing lodging from the limited supply on the island.

View from the Old Store
still a working port

Hare Cove
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