Hammy loves his goats; in all shapes and forms. This fall, those goats were drunk, like Henry Clay drunk. So was the birth of the Tipsy Goat Rally.

Goal: acquire breweries, wineries, meadiaries and distilleries. No limit; Hammy apparently hasn't learned from the monuments or the mufflermen or the.... you get the point.
If a rider had chosen to do so, there are nearly 100 breweries/brewpubs in the metro-DC area. This is page one of the Google results:
First stop, food face.
Flying Dog
Barely and Hops
Jug Bridge [it's a thing in Frederick, google it]
Dragon Distillery
Idiom Brewing
McClintock's Distillery
Tenth Ward
Olde Mother
Midnight Run
Flying Barrel
Hidden Hills
Milkhouse has it's own Little Library
Elk Run
Black Ankle
MISC Distillery
Ellicott Mills
Heavy Seas
Sagamore Spirit
Diamondback Brewing [it''s a local turtle]
Checkerspot [it's a butterfly]
Nepenthe [it's a drug to bring forgetfulness, the Poe's The Raven]
Full Tilt
BC Brewing
Royal Rabbit
Gunpowder Brewing
At the Shrewsbury exit, I took a short break to regain my senses and get hydrated. The day started out chilly and quickly got hot.
Bella Cloice
Crystal Ball
There were two in downtown York, one couldnt find [turns out it was on the alley of the street address] and the other I just forgot
Liquid Hero
Stony Run along with Bailee's homebrew supplies [it doesnt count]
Columbia Kettle Brewing
Iron Hill- one of the chain
Medusa Meadeiary
At this point in downtown Lancaster, I switched from the GPS going to Yoders [which showed plenty of time to continue to work the remaining six stops or so in Lancaster] to Waze going there, which said "dude, you're already inside your window; roll." So I did even passing up a stop that added only 2 minutes to my route.
I arrived at Yoders with about 15 minutes to spare considering at 4 pm a rider was time barred. After getting my score of 60, dinner to be had and awarded third for my efforts, just a couple of points behind second and third.
thanks Hammy!!